(CPR) 营建产品法规

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(CPR) 营建产品法规

證書編號(Certificate No.)

合約號碼(Contract No.)


Construction Products Regulation

Trade Description


Construction Products Regulation (the CPR) is to ensure reliable information on construction products in relation to their performances. 

This is achieved by providing a “common technical language", offering uniform assessment methods of the performance of construction products.

These methods have been compiled in harmonised European standards (hEN) and European Assessment Documents (EAD). 

This common technical language is to be applied by: the manufacturers when declaring the performance of their products, 

but also by the authorities of Member States when specifying requirements for them, and by their users (architects, 

engineers, constructors…) when choosing the products most suitable for their intended use in construction works.

National CPR product contact points

Under the Construction Products Regulation (Art. 10) Member States shall give information on rules and regulations for construction products. 

These product contact points  have to be established by 1 July 2013.